to St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to St Patrick's Catholic Primary School


The school is a Christian community where we try to live out the word of Christ by serving your children.

We believe that every child is made in the image and likeness of God – especially valued from every race, gender, social background, physical or intellectual achievement.

We are passionate about educating the whole child, and ensure that all our children have access to more than the basic academic subjects.

Do come and see this in action!


When you visit our school you will find a well maintained, airy building which was extended in 2001 and provides an excellent learning environment. We have a dedicated computer suite, school library and interactive whiteboards in every class.

Don’t miss our adventure trail. There are brightly coloured shelters for sun and rain! Our Peace Garden is a small haven of green and quiet which, along with our Gate Garden, was created by our whole community of pupil, parents, staff and governors. We also have a special Nursery Playground for our youngest children.

Our very active FOSPA – Friends of Saint Patrick’s Association – continue to support the school in developing the environment and providing additional school resources. They are major contributors and organisers of our many celebrations!

The staff, governors, children and parents work hard to achieve the success we enjoy, as our 2007 Ofsted inspection confirmed. We are all very proud of our school.

We hope this website gives you an insight of what our school is like.

Our Mission Statement


We strive for excellence within a caring and diverse community, nurturing the Catholic faith, respecting each other, living, working and growing together as part of God’s family.

  • Contact us

    1 Longfield Avenue
    E17 7DP
    Tel: 0208 509 4321
    Email: school@st-patricks.waltham.sch.uk